mercredi 19 octobre 2011

Corner view - Whatever ("Tout et n'importe quoi")

Si on regarde en l'air, sur les façades des maisons, on y trouve vraiment tout et n'importe quoi (autant de détails qui chatouillent ma fantaisie - merci Ninja pour cette idée!) : de la tradition, du classique, du surréaliste, du romantique, du révolutionnaire, du bizarre, de la traduction... 


By looking up, one can really find anything and everything (little "whatever" that tickle my fancy - thanks Ninja for this theme!): tradition, classical, surrealist, romantic, revolutionary, weirdo, traduction...


 (1&2 Canero Riviera, Italy. 3,4&5 Zürich. 6, 7&8: Granada)

Plus de Corner views chez Francesca                      More Corner Views at Francesca's.

16 commentaires:

  1. That's an interesting detail - Lenin lived in Zurich. I did not know. I like your house / street views very much.

  2. J'aime la tête de cheval sur la 1ère photo : son ombre est ne lui ressemble pas du tout, on dirait un chien, un ours ou je ne sais quoi ! Très amusant :)

  3. i think i might be forever walking into things if i lived there ... so many things to look at when you look up !!

    Here is my ”WHATEVER” !

  4. I think you made a wonderful collection of "whatever...." xo

  5. sophie!
    merci, merci!!! for looking up.
    i find there is always a world of wonder above our heads, and it is there for the taking.
    i think life would look very different if we were all taller. which would not necessariy be a good thing. and anyway. all of the above things would probably move up further too.
    am i making sense?
    - - -

  6. you are right ... and I think the same applies for looking down. Thanks for showing all these nice details :)

  7. peut etre que c'est pour ca que nous, les americains, aiment tant vous rendre visite dans "le vieux monde".

    par ici, que des pigeons! et parfois des baskets pendues par leurs lacelets!

  8. (p.s. you saw my old cv. new one's up too ;)

  9. never watch your step, always look up!:)

  10. I always look up as well - and then bump into people. But that is a different story...

    Lovely series.


  11. Great finds! Always worth to keep one's eyes peeled and see things from different perspectives!

  12. What a fabulous collection of 'whatever strikes your fancy'! What an amazing place you live in!

  13. I need to look up more - who knows what I've been missing?!? Lovely images.
